How to complete a building demolition

Demolition of the old building dredge

As one of the few companies in the Greater Vancouver Area that can complete complicated building demolition, the team at Urban Environmental has received many a phone calls on what the usual steps are in the process. So, we thought it might be time to put pen to paper and go through the steps on how to complete a building demolition in this great city.

  1. Determine the demolition method

You can either complete a demolition by machine, which means front end loaders and bulldozers complete the work, or you can complete the demolition by hand. Mechanical demolition is usually the fastest and cheapest route, with the average demolition costing around $8000.

  1. Find the right contractor

This is where Urban Environmental can come in, especially if we are completing a job that includes vermiculite or asbestos. We know this industry like the back of our hand and can assist in finding you a contractor that knows what they are doing.

  1. Complete a home inspection

This can also be helped along by Urban Environmental, as we will be able to complete the inspection or bring in an outside inspector to complete the job. We know what to look for, and no matter if we are dealing with an older home or an abandoned home, we will find any issues that may cause problems moving forward.

  1. Obtain the necessary permits

Each city is a little different, so you will need to go to the city website or down to city hall for the process, but you may need to get notifications or permits for the demolition, noise or even the removal of the debris.

  1. Prepare for demolition

Contact all of the necessary services and have them disconnected by the company. You should also contact Urban Environmental to ensure you are covered for removal of the debris once the building is demolished. Many cities will require you to list your rubbish removal company, so you may want to consider this earlier in the process if necessary.

  1. Tear down and removal

Finally, you will have the demolition contractor start the process of tearing down the house, and have your debris moving company into place as soon as they are done. The average home takes an afternoon to take down, while debris removal may take at least a couple of days. If you are looking to prep the site for a new build, you may be able to utilise the same equipment for the job, but you will need to chat with the contractor.

As one of the premier building demolition companies in the lower mainland, the team at Urban Environmental would love to sit down and chat. With our years of experience and vast knowledge in the area, Urban Environmental is your go-to company for all things demo!

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